Our Commitment

At WSB Care, we:

  • Treat you with the utmost dignity and respect.
  • Believe that the customer comes first. This means that we provide the care and support that you need in the way that you want it. We will always respect your personal beliefs and life choices.
  • Listen to what you say and agree on what we can do and how we can provide the best service for you. Our support helps you to keep your independence.
  • Are open and honest with you about what we do. We deliver what we say we will and provide a consistent and reliable service that you expect.
  • Protect you from harm by employing compassionate, capable, and reliable team members. Our employees are trained and knowledgeable about your needs. They work to best practice guidelines.
  • Act as a good employer to our team and support their professional development to make sure that they have the best skills to do the job well.
  • Give a service that provides good value for money.
  • Monitor the quality of our service and regularly ask for your views so that we can make any improvements that may be needed.
  • Take swift action in response to any concerns about your safety or complaints.
  • Respect your privacy and keep information we hold about you confidential (see below ‘sharing information’ for more details).
  • Have no right to judge how someone chooses to live or how their home looks. We do not tolerate discrimination in any form.

What we expect from our customers

We value our team and have legal responsibilities for their health and safety. We will not put members of our team into situations where they are either at risk or where they are subject to harassment or intimidation. We ask you to refrain from smoking during your care assistant’s visit.